Education – Lisa Kott
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Lisa Kott / Education

Work From Home: How to Fight Burnout From Remote Job

Do not use the break from your laptop as a reason to check your mobile device. Think of that time away from your screen as a small mental health maintenance exercise. In terms of tackling tiredness, setting yourself a strict routine is key. This means going to bed and waking up at the same time every day, and following the same meal plan you would have done when working in the office, with a clear...

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Work-From-Home Fatigue: 8 Steps Leaders Can Take to Curb It

It helps you improve focus, reduce eye strain and improve overall mood and well-being. It also helps regulate your body's circadian rhythm, improving sleep and overall well-being. For example, a student can place their study area near a window to allow natural light to flood in or use a desk lamp with warm yellow light to reduce eye strain. According to the basic rest-activity cycle (also known as BRAC), humans are optimized to pay attention...

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Key HR Statistics And Trends In 2023

This nationwide contest measures the employee experience of over 1 million voices across thousands of the most successful organizations in the United States. From this respondent pool, we conduct an opt-in, independent research panel with over 32,000 individuals who share their workplace experiences. This unique vantage point gives us the ability to understand workplace trends to supply insights that help other organizations succeed. Employers and employees must navigate this space carefully to sustain productivity without compromising...

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Burnout at work is getting worse, according to new data

Some employees also face challenges rising in the ranks while working from home. And these days, people who are not getting promoted are seeking greener pastures elsewhere; it is hard for them to feel loyal to people they have never met in person. The Great Resignation is all too real, especially for employers vying to attract and retain talent. As the perks of working from home feel like they're fading and fatigue is setting in,...

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